Friday, June 21, 2013

香港就労ビザ Extension of stay - Hong Kong working visa

I spent 4 hours at the Immigration today! 

1) 2 hours just to get a number. From 7:30AM to 8:30AM at the 1st floor. 8:30 am to 9:17AM at the 5th floor.
2) Another 2 hours to wait for my number to be called. 9:17AM to 11:29AM.
3) Only 1 minute talk to an officer at the counter. 11:29AM to 11:30AM.

Here's the procedure for extension of stay. 

1. Go to the 5th floor of Wan Chai Immigration.

However, if you are trying to get a walk-in quota for some reason like I did today (i.e. no advance booking was made), you will need to start lining up at the 1st floor before 8am even though the Immigration counter opens at 8:45am.
When I arrived there at 7:30am today, about 100 people were waiting already! A daily walk-in quota is only about 200 something for weekdays. So even if you arrive there at 8:45am, the daily quota is probably finished like what happened today. This morning, they showed a "Quota Full" sign at the 5th floor at 8:30am. Even before the counter opens!

2. Submit your documents and passport at the number tag counter 2. (Counter 3 if you made booking.)
Get a number tag.

I waited here from 8:30am to 9:17am. The line was 10 times longer than this at that time!

There are 3 numer tag counters as shown above.

Counter 1 (right): Visitor. 
Counter 2 (middle): Non HK permanent resident (Foreigners who have a HK ID, but not a permanent resident yet.) Those people who are lining up are for counter 2 like me.
Counter 3 (left): Non HK permanent residents those who made appointment in advance via immigration booking website or phone. 


By Phone
24-hour telephone booking system at (852) 2598 0888.

Booking can be made up to 4 weeks advance from the expiry date.

So if you just need to extend your stay (i.e. renewing your working permit) under the same employer/sponsor, it's HIGHLY recommended to make booking 4 weeks before the expiry date. 

Then just go straight to the counter no. 3 on the 5th floor according to your booking you made.

Why I didn't make booking?
I couldn't because my case was sponsor change rather than renewing under the same sponsor, and my existing visa with the previous sponsor still has 1 year until expiry date, so the system doesn't accept it. If it only had 4 weeks or less, I could have made booking.

3. Number tag 

4. Wait until your number shows up on screens. 

On the left of the number tag counters (1-3), there are counters (1 to 20 something) where you'll talk to the officer. 
In case you missed your number, go to the officer's counter no.3. (Not the number tag counter 3)
Called numbers are shown in pink. (Right of the screen)
Calling numbers are shown in blue. (Left of the screen)

5. 1 minute talk with the officer.

A few questions about documents. 
Submit my HK ID.

Then he asked me to take a seat and wait for a while until he calls my name.
I took a seat where I can still see him.
Waited for 1 min. 
When I looked up, I saw he picked up a microphone and was about to call my name. Then he saw me and waved his hand to come over to his counter. 

He talked to me with a friendly tone, "Your application is accepted. Here's your passport and ID back.
We will notify you by a letter.... Send a letter to this address (pointing the form). 
Normally it takes no longer than 4 weeks. That's all for today."

He looked like an angel to me after 4 hours of what I have been through! Thank you, officer!

I need to come back here next month again to pick up the sticker. (visa)
Normally waiting time to collect visa is much shorter, about 1 hour or so. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

すし孝勢 閉店のショック - Sushi Takasei is gone!

香港ホンハムのお寿司屋さん すし孝勢 Sushi Takasei





新孝志師傅 は今どちらにいらっしゃるのでしょうか。お店閉めるって事前情報があれば、絶対最後に食べに行ったのに...  残念無念。


しばらく立ち直れそうにない.... すし孝勢を失ったショックから.... 


誠寿司には二度と行く事はないでしょう。こんな低レベルな寿司にそれなりの金を出すんだったら、Causeway Bay 辺りのお寿司屋さんで食べるか、安く元気寿司で済ませた方が、まだまし。




Friday, June 14, 2013

レザートートバッグ作り方 - How to make a leather tote bag

Here's how I made a leather tote bag!

1. Skiving the leather by a knife.

2. Awwww bleeding! Please be careful when you skive the leather! 


3. Punching before stitching. 


4. Stitching. 100% hand stitched!


5. After stitching the bottom and a handle.


6. Stitch the other handle and the side of the bag. Completed! 


レザークラフト ID カードホルダー作り方 - How to make leather ID cardholder




I made this ID card holder for my friend whose initial is K, so you can see "K" on the right bottom.

① 透明の窓の部分を、革に縫い付けます。

Attach the transparent window to the leather. Yes, everything is hand stitched!

途中色々飛ばして.... 笑

Skip the procedures in the middle... and

② 完成!

Completed! haha

Thursday, June 13, 2013

レザークラフト 小物 - more leather craft


他には、ペンケース、名刺入れ、ポーチ、 IDカードホルダー等。
